Template chat dans rue Coonie and Plume
Monday, July 03, 2006
WIP: Diane Graebner
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I didn't a lot of time at home this weekend, so I didn't work a lot on my new project. Nevertheless, it begins to look at something.

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Now, the boy has feet, trousers and a pull-over, I guess, tonight he'll have a face...

It is really a nice design to stitch.

Sorry, it's a short post but it's time to have dinner so I won't stay long (and I just cooked 2 cakes that I'll bring to work tomorrow to celebrate my success to the professional exam).

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
posted by Sylvie at 6:55 PM | Permalink |


At 12:14 AM, Blogger Singular Stitches

Lovely start! All boys like to have feet so that can go to and 'fro.

I just loved the second video clip of Plume listening to her first one. The look on her face is just too funny!


At 4:35 AM, Blogger Sasha Farina

great progress!!