Template chat dans rue Coonie and Plume
Friday, August 25, 2006
First meeting
Yesterday, Isabelle and I have met for the first time in Paris. It wasn't just a meeting between two stitchers, it was also a meeting wetween two friends and that's the main thing.

The weather wasn't very good when I left Rouen, too bad as the day before the weather was nice (and it's sunny today!)... Isabelle told me she would be there to meet me at the station. And she was there and we immediately recognized each other. We got in touch with a friendly face and a large smile.

It was agreed that we spent the day (in fact noon and afternoon) at Isabelle's. So I had the great pleasure to meet P'tite Mignonne. She was shy at the beginning and then decided to carefully inspect what was inside my bag. We had lunch together and a little misadventure will remain, I think, as the anecdote of this meeting. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

As I told you, we got in touch immediately and the tiny thread representing our friendship has grown and has become stronger as time was flying.
Isabelle is a so sweet young lady. I thought about her as someone adorable, but in fact, she's much more thant that and I don't have words to say it, sorry...

I brought some gifts for Isabelle (to thank her for her welcome) and for P'tite Mignonne, but I got some too.
I decorated a small box for Isabelle and asked my Mum to sew a cat. P'tite Mignonne received a toy with catnip. She's so cute and believe me, this cat smiles!
I just took a picture of the box (I forgot to take a picture of the other gifts, but maybe Isabelle will show you a picture on her blog).

Isabelle is a sweetheart but she's also very generous. Two gifts were waiting for me. The first one was for fun, to celebrate this meeting.

Everytime I'll drink some tea in my new mug, I'll think about Isabelle and P'tite Mignonne. The cat is quite like her.

I also had my birthday gift, two weeks early. I was (I'd better say I am) amazed by this wonderful patchwork plaid. This is the first one I have and be sure I'm going to treasure it. It is one of the most beautiful gift I've received. Look at this work, all this delicacy. Really, I adore it (and it seems I'm not the only one...).

I had the great pleasure to meet Sebastien (Isabelle's boyfriend) too and he's as friendly as her.

We spent time chatting about cats, embroidery, etc. We chatted so much that I missed my train!!!

It was the best day of this year summer holiday. Isabelle is a sweetheart. In fact, I don't have words to talk about this (too short) day, but I know Isabelle understands what I mean and will read between the lines.
Thanks a bunch, Isabelle, for this lovely day and for your precious fri

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Oops, I nearly forgot, here is a picture of our meeting (Sebastien says we look like sisters. He isn't entirely wrong in saying that, is he?). Look at P'tite Mignonne's face...

Isabelle, P'tite Mignonne, me

posted by Sylvie at 5:48 PM | Permalink |


At 7:21 PM, Blogger natty68

What a lovely account of yours and Isabelle's meeting.

And you sure do look like sisters..what a lovely photo. And a lovely mug for you to have your morning coffee in.



At 2:11 AM, Blogger BeckySC

I am so happy for both of you :) How wonderful that you got to meet!

Have a nice weekend my friend!

hugs :)


At 5:36 PM, Blogger Karoline

Sounds like you had a lovely time, lovely photo's :)


At 12:30 AM, Blogger Nicki

How lovely that you got to meet and what a beautiful photo of you both (or all three of you!) I am so glad you had a lovely day :)


At 12:37 AM, Blogger Nicki

I was so taken by the photo of you both I didn't say what beautiful gifts! I love the box you made :)

And Isabelle's patchwork is just stunning! Beautiful! No wonder Plume liked it :)


At 6:02 PM, Blogger Singular Stitches

Yes, you do look like sisters!!! :o) Thank you for sharing your meeting!!


At 10:26 PM, Blogger Carol

How wonderful that you and Isabelle got to meet up with each other!!


At 8:06 PM, Blogger Von

What a wonderful account of your meeting! Stitching friends are the best :D


At 2:55 AM, Blogger Cathy B

How nice that you and Isabelle could spend an afternoon together. Such lovely gifts that the two of you exchanged!


At 12:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

Sounds like a perfect day :)


At 1:38 AM, Blogger Margaret

After visiting Isabelle's blog I just had to drop by to see you too. How wonderful that you finally got to actually meet one another and spend such a lovely afternoon together. Your account of the visit is lovely as are the gifts you made for one another.
