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At 8:56 PM, Singular Stitches
How cute!!
At 9:17 PM, Anonymous
Oh what a beautiful girl! I just want to reach through the screen and pet her as well!
At 2:13 AM, Sasha Farina
what a cutie!
At 3:50 AM, Leslie aka zoeandcooper
Adorable!! I wish my gang would sit still long enough to get pets like that:)
At 3:39 PM, Karoline
Aww ear scrats are a favourite of my two as well.
At 10:28 PM, Nicki
awww! Plume definitely knows what she likes :) Lulu does the same - if I stop fussing her she bumps my hand with her head just like Plume :)
At 5:30 PM, Anonymous
Adorable, just adorable.. he's like my Edward.. If you want to see just check my webpage below, under "about me and thee"
At 7:14 PM, natty68
Aww plume loves her snuggles doesnt she? She's such a cutie :)*hugs* and meowies from Ollie
At 10:54 PM, Leeland
That's the simple pleasure of having cats, one of the gretaest pleasures in the world...Thanks for sharing this, and also your meeting with Isabelle, lucky you!Hugs!
How cute!!